Denver, CO - Radon Testing Services

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says that  homes across the United States are plagued by elevated radon levels, posing a serious health risk to residents. Prolonged exposure to this silent and odorless toxic gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer. However, there's a solution to safeguarding your family's well-being.

Contact Rapid Radon Relief for a comprehensive radon inspection tailored to your Denver home.

radon testing in home

Understanding Radon

Radon, a naturally occurring element, lurks in countless U.S. homes, concealed by its invisible and odorless nature. This hazardous gas forms as a result of uranium decay in rocks and soil, releasing radioactive particles that become a health hazard when trapped indoors. Radon predominantly affects the lungs, significantly increasing the risk of lung cancer.

Radon infiltrates homes through various entry points, including:

  • Drains or floor cracks

  • Sump pump openings

  • Wall and concrete holes

  • Basement joints

  • Well water

  • Crawlspaces

  • Any part of your home in direct contact with soil

In some cases, radon can permeate directly through building materials, underscoring the importance of radon testing for Denver homes.

The significance of radon testing, given radon's invisible and scentless nature, is hard to dispute. Radon can only be detected using specialized testing equipment. This emphasizes the critical role of professional radon testing in ensuring your safety. Without expert services, it's impossible to determine if your home harbors dangerous radon levels.

Radon levels become dangerous if they go unchecked. Reaching 4.0 or higher is a problem. Prompt gas mitigation becomes imperative to prevent health complications, particularly for children and smokers who are especially vulnerable. Remember, only professional radon testing can accurately assess the radon presence in your home.

It's essential to entrust radon testing for homes, or any other property, to licensed and certified professionals. This guarantees accurate results and meticulous testing, leaving no room for oversight in identifying potentially hazardous gas concentrations.

Radon levels may fluctuate from one area of your home to another, but our radon testing experts will devise the most suitable testing approach. If unsafe levels are detected, we will guide you through the necessary steps for resolution.

Radon Zones

The EPA established a radon zones map in 1993 to help homeowners and businesses highlight regions with potentially elevated radon levels. The map serves as a warning signal, individual households should not forgo testing. Radon testing remains affordable, straightforward, and, most importantly, a potential lifesaver, regardless of your location.

Optimal Timing for Radon Testing 

Fall and winter, when homes are sealed against the cold, are ideal seasons for radon testing. While testing can be conducted year-round, colder months tend to yield higher radon levels. Avoid testing during snow, rain, or windy weather, as it may lead to false high readings due to ground pressure forcing more radon into your home.

Continuous Monitoring: 

A certified professional sets up a 48-hour computerized test, accounting for environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and air pressure.  Accuracy is essential for the test. Keeping windows and doors closed during the test is imperative to getting accurate results.

A new home - radon detection

Benefits of Radon Testing 

Beyond peace of mind, radon testing provides several advantages. It ensures your home maintains safe radon levels, potentially saving you money when selling your property by providing crucial information to potential buyers. The EPA recommends a radon test when buying a home, which can lead to mitigation negotiations.

Frequency of Radon Testing

Preventing accidental radon exposure requires following what the EPA recommends. The EPA says that testing your home every two years is essential. You should try making it a routine part of your home maintenance. Additionally, consider testing after specific events like installing a mitigation system, seasonal changes, home remodeling, and when purchasing a new home. Rapid Radon Relief is here to promptly and reliably conduct tests following these significant milestones.

Why Choose a Professional Radon Inspector?

DIY radon test kits are available, they may yield inaccurate results if misused, and results delivery can be delayed. Rapid Radon Relief offers continuous monitoring for instant, reliable results, ensuring your family's safety.

Radon's unpredictable presence beneath the ground makes it a lurking threat. Though complete eradication is impossible, certified specialists can safely reduce radon levels. Prioritize your family's health by scheduling a radon inspection and testing with Rapid Radon Relief, even if you already have a mitigation system in place. Contact us today to secure your appointment and ensure your peace of mind.